The Breathing Association

Phone Number: (614) 457-4570

Application Methods: Online Registration

Addresses (if in-person): 741 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43201

Who Can Apply: Tenants

Any Limits on Who Can Apply: Applications open to the public 

Any Special Populations Uniquely Qualified to Serve: We serve a general population

Languages: English, Translation Services Available

Geographic Areas Served: All Franklin County Residents

Income Limits: Up to 175% of the Federal Poverty Line

Additional Services Offered: In addition to utility assistance, the Breathing Association also has a free health clinic that specializes in lung health care.

What Makes You Unique: Our mission is to provide a lifeline of services, one person at a time, so they can breathe easier and improve the quality of their lives.

Other Information: Information about the Winter Crisis Program, including satellite locations where help is offered, is available online here:


Equitas Health


Community mediation Services (Housing Specialists)